Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo
Bosa Beistelltisch T-Table Piccolo

Bosa Side Table T-Table Piccolo

Regular price395,00 €
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

  • Item will be ordered for you
  • Delivery time approx. 6-10 weeks
  • Customer service: +49 (0) 211 - 17838894

Product Information:

  • Small T-Table
  • Bosa
  • Design: Jaime Hayon
  • Material: Ceramic
  • Dimensions: ø 31 cm, H 32 cm
  • Pattern: 9 different graphic motifs (cannot be changed)
  • Basic color: to choose individually from the 46 Glossy Glazes colors
  • Handmade and painted
  • Made in Italy

All Bosa objects are made of the finest ceramics and are 100% handmade in elaborate processes. Discover exciting insights and behind the scenes here.

Product description

"Functional, simple and organic, the T-Table fits easily into its surroundings. It is intended as a small side table that is placed near a chair, sofa or lounge and can be used both as a shelf and as a decorative element. The T-table can be set up alone or in a set, and is reminiscent of a bouquet or mushrooms in the forest." -Jaime Hayon..

About BOSA

The city of Borso del Grappa is located in the northwest of Venetien, an enchanting hilly landscape with rippling mountain streams. The city bears the name after the towering mountain as well as the delicious schnapps whose wine is grown at its foot. But neither the wine nor the schnapps lead to the establishment of the Italian manufacturer in 1976Bosa.. It is the ceramic industry that has existed in the Venetian region for centuries that seduce Italo Bosa to start a business. After all, the young Italian wants to produce his ceramics in the old tradition, by hand in a rich color palette that is supplemented with precious metals such as gold, platinum and copper; paint, glaze and enamel them with the highest precision. Only excellently trained craftsmen produce these small works of art in this unique quality, experiment with the potential of ceramics, the shapes and colors, and innovatively develop the manufacturing process.

Thanks to the collaboration with other well-known brands such as Minotti, Moroso and B & B Italia, Bosa also attracts the attention of international artists and museums. The most famous works, such as the Primates Vases collection, are the result of collaborations with influential young designers such as Elena Salmistraro, Luca Nichetto, Jaime Hayon and many others.

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Wir liefern ab einem Warenwert von 100,- € innerhalb Deutschlands versandkostenfrei (gilt nur für nicht-reduzierte Waren). Unter diesem Warenwert berechnen wir eine Pauschale von 4,95 EUR. 

Sollte durch eine Retoure der Mindestbestellwert für die kostenlose Lieferung (100,- €) unterschritten werden, werden die Versandkosten i.H.v. 4,95 € im Nachhinein berechnet.

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Für unsere kostenlosen Stoffmuster berechnen wir eine Versandpauschale von 2,95 €, die bei einem Kauf verrechnet werden.


Wir berechnen die Versandkosten in folgende europäische Länder pauschal wie folgt:


Versandart: Paket
Versandkosten pauschal: 15,95 € 
Zustelldauer: 3-6 Werktage


Versandart: Paket
Versandkosten pauschal: 14,95 € 
Zustelldauer: 3-6 Werktage


Versandart: Paket
Versandkosten pauschal: 14,95 € 
Zustelldauer: 3-6 Werktage


Versandart: Paket
Versandkosten pauschal: 14,95 € 
Zustelldauer: 3-6 Werktage

FRANKREICH (außer Korsika)

Versandart: Paket
Versandkosten pauschal: 21,95 € 
Zustelldauer: 3-6 Werktage

*Definition Standardpaket: 120 x 60 x 60 cm, Gurtmaß max. 300 cm, max. 14,99 kg

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Hersteller: Bosa
Adresse: Via Molini 44, 31030 Borso del Grappa, Treviso, Italien
Kontakt: | +39 0423 561483

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